Careful preparation before car park line marking is essential
There are many reasons to use a professional line marking company like Linemarkers South East Queensland for your car park line marking needs. We have years of experience in setting out and painting car parking bay lines and associated safety markings to Australian Standards.
Linemarkers South East Queensland is fully insured, will supply a safe work method statement for each job and will work at a time to minimise disruption to traffic and business.
Careful preparation prior to painting car park bays is essential.
Painting onto concrete requires that new concrete is cured for at least 28 days. Old concrete must be clean of black mould and grime. Black mould is slippery and therefore a danger to pedestrians. Failure to consider these issues will also impact the life of the line marking. Linemarkers will quote to waterblast areas to be painted that are affected by black mould and grime. General dirt and gravel need to be swept prior to painting and Linemarkers can arrange this also.
Linemarkers South East Queensland will measure the moisture content of concrete prior to painting after rain. Concrete may look dry but still contain enough moisture to limit the life of the paint applied.
Bitumen must have also cured at least 30 days prior to painting to allow the esters to escape.
The paint that we use for car park line marking is of the highest quality and fit for the purpose. We find that Dulux Roadmaster A1 chlorinated rubber is very durable but will also paint with waterborne paint, or two pack epoxies if specified.
Linemarkers South East Queensland will take care of all your car park needs. We can:
- Line mark car parking bay lines
- Parking lot line painting
- Car park white lining and other colours
- Paint disabled logos to Australian Standards
- Paint shared zones for pedestrian safety
- Paint directional arrows, stop bars, give way bars and centre lines
- Paint hatched areas, solid areas, chevrons
- Paint pedestrian crossings
- Paint pram logos
- Paint electric car charging station logos
- Supply and install signage, wheel/car stops, speed humps and bollards
- Remove old car park line marking by black-out, scarifying or grinding,
- Remove rough edges, that could be small trip risks, by grinding
- Paint trip risks, edge lines, gutters, and steps in safety yellow
- Apply reflective glass and/or anti-slip beads to freshly painted areas
- Supply and apply customised stencil templates for specific wording or logos painted on the ground
- Paint stencils to car parks in the colours and design of our client’s business logo
If your parking lines are fading, wheel stops need replacing, disabled parking bays need to be painted to Australian Standards, or if you are designing your car park or redesigning your parking, call us today for a free quote.